Novice rose-information-group

Z všečkanjem na Facebooku do 30 evrov v 15 minutah

Novice / SvetZ všečkanjem na Facebooku do 30 evrov v 15 minutah

Z nekaj finančnega vložka in malo truda v nekaj minutah do bogastva, zatrjujejo nekateri. Spet drugi opozarjajo, da gre za klasično piramidno shemo. Gre za všečkanje vsebin na priljubljenih družbenih … · Svet24 · 2L

    prevara rose-information-group objavi tvitaj

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Are the culture workers really worse off than they were under the previous governments, or is it just blackmail? (Photo: STA) On Tuesday at 3 p.m., near the Ministry of … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    22 novic

    Kacin: “We need to recover from this virus. I will not say we should ignore it, but we do need to isolate it and prevent it from overpowering us!«

    Kacin: “We need to recover from this virus. I will not say we should ignore it, but we do need to isolate it and prevent it from overpowering us!«

    The official spokesperson for the Crisis staff of the Republic of Slovenia, Jelko Kacin (Photo: Aktualno show, Nova24TV) Jelko Kacin has taken over the position of the official spokesperson for … · Nova24TV · 4L

    viktor orban news covid-19 koronavirus migrantska kriza objavi tvitaj

    10 novic