Did we step on the toes of the Social Democrats? They are threatening us with a lawsuit, to stop us from publishing the information

Acting President of the SD party Tanja Fajon (Photo: STA) “Despite the responsibility being ten times higher, the salaries of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia’s members are four …

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newstanja fajonhilda tovšakmariana karla rebernikaleksandra pivecdenis sarkić

We are revealing how the Janša Government saved the Slovenian farmers during the coronavirus epidemic!

Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek Good wine needs no bush. Public opinion polls clearly show that Slovenian citizens approve of the work of Janša’s Government, as the majority is not in …

Nova24TV · 4L

newsfarmersgovernment of the republic of sloveniasloveniaagriculturejanez janšacovid-19

VIDEO: Srce parajoči posnetki po eksplozijah v Bejrutu

Potem, ko sta zaradi amonijevega nitrata odjeknili eksploziji v Bejrutu je po spletu zaokrožilo več posnetkov, ki prikazujejo kako silovita je bila eksplozija. Od danes v Libanonu velja tridnevno žalovanje …

Maribor24 · 4L

Posturing and misleading: the controversial director of the “business octopus” KB 1909 Boris Peric claims that Vega Finanz went out of business in 2012 – how is it possible that it made a loss of five million euros in 2017?!

Boris Peric. (Photo: STA) “During the discussion at the general meeting of KB 1909, the question of the former second shareholder of the Gorizia company, the anonymous Luxembourg Vega Finanz, …

Nova24TV · 4L

newsvega finanzsaftiboris pericjelka godecmladinakb 1909

Numbers do not lie: the Janša Government has done a lot to improve people’s social situation during the coronavirus epidemic!

Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek We need to talk about everything that the Janša Government has done in the short time since the beginning of its term, when …

Nova24TV · 4L

government of the republic of slovenianewsjanez janšacovid-19

Self-censorship of RTV Slovenija! We are revealing what Rosvita Pesek did not dare ask Milan Kučan

Former President of the Republic of Slovenia Milan Kučan (screenshot: RTV Slovenija) As part of the Slovenia-30 project, RTV Slovenija conducted an interview with the first Slovenian President, Milan Kučan. …

Nova24TV · 4L


Našli vzrok za eksplozijo v Bejrutu, odgovorni v hišni pripor

Eksplozija v Bejrutu (Foto: epa) Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali …

Nova24TV · 4L

svethamad hasanlibanonmichel aounmanal abdel samadbejruteksplozijahasan diab

Prva pomoč po eksploziji že prispela v Bejrut

Prva pomoč iz tujine je danes že prispela v Bejrut, ki ga je v torek prizadela silovita eksplozija, ki je terjala več kot sto življenj in huje poškodovala velik del …

Politikis · 4L

Našli vzrok za eksplozijo v Bejrutu, odgovorni v hišni pripor

Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali pri shranjevanju amonijevega nitrata, ki …

Demokracija · 4L

Obeta se hišni pripor za odgovorne v pristanišču, kjer je razneslo 2750 ton amonijevega nitrata

Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali pri shranjevanju amonijevega nitrata, ki …

Reporter · 4L


Sožalja prihajajo iz vseh koncev sveta: Papež Frančišek pozval k molitvi za Bejrut, Trump pa je nemudoma sprožil preiskavo

Foto: epa V tragični eksploziji v Bejrutu je po zadnjih podatkih življenje izgubilo najmanj 100 ljudi, zaenkrat pa so zabeležili 4000 ranjenih. Ameriški predsednik Donald Trump je nemudoma sprožil preiskavo …

Nova24TV · 4L


Thanks to the measures implemented by Janša’s government, 260 thousand jobs have been preserved!

Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek We can see criticism of the government in the mainstream media every single day, regardless of whether the criticism is justified, or whether …

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marjan šarecnewseuropean commissionprime minister janez janšaministry of financethe fourteenth government of the republic of sloveniajanez janšacovid-19

The deep state protects its interests! The main witness – a Pakistani man who smuggled illegal immigrants, working with a prominent SD member Lidija Mavretič – will he be deported?!

Lidija Mavretič and Dejan Židan (Photo: Instagram) The Pakistani migrant Kaka Ali, who pleaded guilty to smuggling illegal migrants, working with a prominent member of the SD party, Lidija Mavretič …

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gregor židannewsmatjaž štokslavko gazvodathe pakistani migrant kaka alidejan židanmarko hranilovičlidija mavretič

What is behind Soros’ agenda for the “open society” and how he enslaved the left to serve his purpose

Photomontage by Maric Štojs Lomovšek (Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA) In his writing, theologist Milan Knep discusses George Soros and the hidden intentions behind his agenda for an “open society,” which chose …

Nova24TV · 4L

newstanja fajongeorge sorosmilan kučandonald trumpmilan knep

Vili Kovačič demands an investigation of the alleged “import of foreign voters” before the 2018 elections in Ljubljana, where Janković defeated Logar

Photo: STA/Facebook As the Administrative and Constitutional Court have “found themselves in a vicious circle,” Citizen K. Vili Kovačič, has now reported the suspected electoral fraud of importing voters for …

Nova24TV · 4L

newslocal electionsljubljanalovro lončarvili kovačičzoran jankovićanže logar

Public opinion poll of the newspaper Delo proves that Slovenians support Janša’s government, and only a small number of protesters want it to resign

Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek After the resignation of Marjan Šarec’s government, as many as 63 percent of those who participated in the Mediana poll believed that early …

Nova24TV · 4L

newstanja fajonsvetlana makarovičvioleta tomičivan galetjaša prošekjaša jenulljanez janša