Acting President of the SD party Tanja Fajon (Photo: STA) “Despite the responsibility being ten times higher, the salaries of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia’s members are four …
Nova24TV · 4L
newstanja fajonhilda tovšakmariana karla rebernikaleksandra pivecdenis sarkić
Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek Good wine needs no bush. Public opinion polls clearly show that Slovenian citizens approve of the work of Janša’s Government, as the majority is not in …
Nova24TV · 4L
newsfarmersgovernment of the republic of sloveniasloveniaagriculturejanez janšacovid-19
Potem, ko sta zaradi amonijevega nitrata odjeknili eksploziji v Bejrutu je po spletu zaokrožilo več posnetkov, ki prikazujejo kako silovita je bila eksplozija. Od danes v Libanonu velja tridnevno žalovanje …
Maribor24 · 4L
Boris Peric. (Photo: STA) “During the discussion at the general meeting of KB 1909, the question of the former second shareholder of the Gorizia company, the anonymous Luxembourg Vega Finanz, …
Nova24TV · 4L
Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek We need to talk about everything that the Janša Government has done in the short time since the beginning of its term, when …
Nova24TV · 4L
government of the republic of slovenianewsjanez janšacovid-19
Former President of the Republic of Slovenia Milan Kučan (screenshot: RTV Slovenija) As part of the Slovenia-30 project, RTV Slovenija conducted an interview with the first Slovenian President, Milan Kučan. …
Nova24TV · 4L
Eksplozija v Bejrutu (Foto: epa) Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali …
Nova24TV · 4L
svethamad hasanlibanonmichel aounmanal abdel samadbejruteksplozijahasan diab
Prva pomoč iz tujine je danes že prispela v Bejrut, ki ga je v torek prizadela silovita eksplozija, ki je terjala več kot sto življenj in huje poškodovala velik del …
Politikis · 4L
Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali pri shranjevanju amonijevega nitrata, ki …
Demokracija · 4L
Libanonska vlada je danes po nujni seji razglasila 14-dnevne izredne razmere v Bejrutu. Napovedala je tudi hišni pripor za vse, ki so v pristanišču sodelovali pri shranjevanju amonijevega nitrata, ki …
Reporter · 4L
Foto: epa V tragični eksploziji v Bejrutu je po zadnjih podatkih življenje izgubilo najmanj 100 ljudi, zaenkrat pa so zabeležili 4000 ranjenih. Ameriški predsednik Donald Trump je nemudoma sprožil preiskavo …
Nova24TV · 4L
Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek We can see criticism of the government in the mainstream media every single day, regardless of whether the criticism is justified, or whether …
Nova24TV · 4L
marjan šarecnewseuropean commissionprime minister janez janšaministry of financethe fourteenth government of the republic of sloveniajanez janšacovid-19
Photo: STA, screenshot It seems that a new front has opened up between the government and the political underground, which is actually old news. It concerns the question of the …
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newsigor kaduncmiloš čiričvioleta tomičnational televisionborut pahorivan galezlatan čordić – zlatkoigor pirkovičcommunismagency of the republic of slovenia for commodity reservespublic service broadcaster rtv slovenijajanez janša
Lidija Mavretič and Dejan Židan (Photo: Instagram) The Pakistani migrant Kaka Ali, who pleaded guilty to smuggling illegal migrants, working with a prominent member of the SD party, Lidija Mavretič …
Nova24TV · 4L
gregor židannewsmatjaž štokslavko gazvodathe pakistani migrant kaka alidejan židanmarko hranilovičlidija mavretič
Photomontage by Maric Štojs Lomovšek (Photo: Thierry Monasse/STA) In his writing, theologist Milan Knep discusses George Soros and the hidden intentions behind his agenda for an “open society,” which chose …
Nova24TV · 4L
newstanja fajongeorge sorosmilan kučandonald trumpmilan knep
Photo: STA/Facebook As the Administrative and Constitutional Court have “found themselves in a vicious circle,” Citizen K. Vili Kovačič, has now reported the suspected electoral fraud of importing voters for …
Nova24TV · 4L
newslocal electionsljubljanalovro lončarvili kovačičzoran jankovićanže logar
Janša’s third government. Photo: Matic Štojs Lomovšek After the resignation of Marjan Šarec’s government, as many as 63 percent of those who participated in the Mediana poll believed that early …
Nova24TV · 4L
newstanja fajonsvetlana makarovičvioleta tomičivan galetjaša prošekjaša jenulljanez janša