Connoisseurs of American politics are critical of the Slovenian media coverage of the USA elections – through ideological glasses!

Foto: STA, Nova24TV Most of the largest Slovenian media outlets were quite reluctant to report on any of Donald Trump’s achievement during his presidency, and their publications usually painted him …

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Fajon is extremely ignorant of the issue of migration and terrorism – she wants to fight the terrible threats that Europe is facing with solidarity?!

Tanja Fajon (Foto: Twitter) “And in the European Parliament, with my colleague Romana, we have been working on establishing effective migration and asylum policies for years now. I want to …

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Under the new legislative proposal on the Motor Vehicles Tax Act, we will be able to buy cheaper vehicles!

Foto: epa Minister of Finance, Andrej Šircelj, and his ministry, have sent a new legislative proposal for the Motor Vehicles Act to the government. The proposal is based on the …

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The leftists are using the greatest hardship in Slovenian history to take over the power!

Photo: Facebook The recent event in Kranj, where the health inspectorate wrote up, but not yet punished the offender for non-compliance with the regulations, was described as repression by the …

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Prime Minister Janez Janša in his address to the citizens: We need a plebiscite majority of reason and solidarity. When we look back to the present in a year, we will be proud of Slovenia

Predsednik vlade Janez Janša (Foto: Kabinet predsednika vlade) In the following, we publish the address of the Prime Minister Janez Janša to the citizens. Dear All, Together with the rest …

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Šok, groza, solidarnost in žalost! To so imeli o islamističnem terorističnem napadu na Dunaju povedati evropski voditelji

Evropski voditelji so se na napad na Dunaju ostro odzvali (Foto: epa) V središču Dunaja se je sinoči zgodil terorističen napad. Umrli so štirje ljudje, 17 pa jih je bilo …

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