Znaki, ki so namigovali, da se bo zgodil 'Megxit'

Informacija o Meghaninem in Harryjevem odstopu od opravljanja kraljevih dolžnosti je preplavila splet in prebudila zanimanje svetovne javnosti. Kljub temu, da je novica udarila kot strela z jasnega, pa velja …

24ur · 4L

meghan marklekraljeva družinaprinc harry

Exposed: In 2009, Slovenian Political Communist Elites were Familiar with Money Laundering at State owned Bank for Iranian Terrorists

Foto: STA The money laundering exposed at NLB is a scandal of international proportions, which can also be credited to the state leaders in the period starting with 2009 – …

Nova24TV · 4L


Pressing Money Laundering at NLB, Documents Disappearing into Thin Air!

Foto: STA The first documents supposedly received by the Office for Money Laundering Prevention of the Republic of Slovenia (Office) with regard to the suspicion of money laundering at NLB …

Nova24TV · 4L


Slovenian President Borut Pahor Admits He Knew about Money Laundering at NLB Bank!

Foto: iStock Last year, the Iranian case of money laundering at NLB was exposed in the USA. Though the American media reported on the issue, neither Slovenian correspondents from RTV …

Nova24TV · 4L


SDS condemns unreasonable support of leftist Slovenian political forces to the Iranian regime, expresses support to US actions and demands government report on the billion dollar money laundering for Iran through state-run NLB bank during Social Democrats government

SDS condemns unreasonable support of leftist Slovenian political forces to the Iranian regime, expresses support to US actions and demands government report on the billion dollar money laundering for Iran …

Nova24TV · 4L

newsnlbmoney launderingsdsiranian regime