Novice sounds right

Na svetovni dan zemlje je narava uradno sprejeta kot glasbenica

Novice / KulturaNa svetovni dan zemlje je narava uradno sprejeta kot glasbenica

Glasbeniki lahko zdaj naravo navedejo kot soizvajalca v pesmih, v katerih so uporabljeni zvoki narave, in namenijo del dobička v okoljevarstvene namene. "Nenadoma se je narava prikradla v umetnost," pravi … · RTV Slovenija · 5M

    earthpercent narava brian eno sounds right muzej združenih narodov objavi tvitaj

    Mama in hči tako podobni, da ju zamešata še soproga

    Mama in hči tako podobni, da ju zamešata še soproga

    Ups, to pa je nerodno … 60-letna Dawn Hubsher in njena 30-letna hči Cher sta si tako podobni, da jih je nekoč zamenjal celo Cherin soprog in taščo potrepljal po … · Žurnal24 · 4L

    jelena karleuša zvezdnice v kopalkah 2020 objavi tvitaj

    7 novic

    At the Mass, offered for the homeland, Bishop Bizjak thanked the highest state representatives for successfully running the country

    At the Mass, offered for the homeland, Bishop Bizjak thanked the highest state representatives for successfully running the country

    Foto: Twitter/Predsednik republike A Mass, offered for the homeland, was held in the Ljubljana Cathedral, at which the most prominent representatives of the country also gathered. In his sermon, the … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    9 novic

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Are the culture workers really worse off than they were under the previous governments, or is it just blackmail? (Photo: STA) On Tuesday at 3 p.m., near the Ministry of … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    22 novic