Novice our world heritage

Iz nezadovoljstva z Unescovo skrbjo za svetovno dediščino vzniknila nova organizacija

Novice / Kultura

Iz nove neodvisne organizacije Our World Heritage sporočajo, da so se za ustanovitev odločili, ker po njihovem mnenju skrb za ogrožena mesta svetovne dediščine postala zgolj "drugotna skrb" za Unesco. … · RTV Slovenija · 3L

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    Take a look at the cooperation of POP TV with the radical left

    Take a look at the cooperation of POP TV with the radical left

    Successful collaboration of the unofficial representative of the political opposition at Friday’s rallies, and journalist Katarina Matejčič from POP TV, which is loyal to the opposition left. (Photo: Social networks) … · Nova24TV · 4L

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    29 novic