Novice human nature live show

V CD koncertni poklon Michaelu Jacksonu s Human Nature Live Show

Timeout / GlasbaV CD koncertni poklon Michaelu Jacksonu s Human Nature Live Show

Gallusova dvorana Cankarjevega doma (CD) bo kot prva v Sloveniji nocoj gostila koncertni poklon kralju popa Michaelu Jacksonu Human Nature Live Show. Glasbeno-vizualna predstava oživlja Jacksonov umetniški talent in glasbeni … · Svet24 · 10M

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3 novice

Mr. Janez Janša: FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS, PART 4: We have gained our independence, but not yet our freedom

Mr. Janez Janša: FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS, PART 4: We have gained our independence, but not yet our freedom

Premier Janez Janša (foto: Demokracija) Morally degenerate conduct is possible only in a public space which is tightly controlled and where the difference between right and wrong falls under random … · Nova24TV · 4L

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13 novic