Novice government of the republic of slovenia

Erjavec is misleading with the signatures of the DeSUS MPs: He was the only one who did not bring any signatures to Wednesday’s meeting!

Erjavec is misleading with the signatures of the DeSUS MPs: He was the only one who did not bring any signatures to Wednesday’s meeting!

Karl Erjavec (Photo: STA) The tragicomedy called “Karl Erjavec is searching for the signatures from his own people,” and with it, the tragicomedy called the Constitutional Arch Coalition (Koalicija ustavnega … · Nova24TV · 3L

news objavi tvitaj

12 novic

The Janez Janša government has done so much for the pensioners in just ten months – more than the previous governments managed to do in a whole decade!

The Janez Janša government has done so much for the pensioners in just ten months – more than the previous governments managed to do in a whole decade!

The DeSUS party Members of Parliament. (Photo: STA) Solidarity allowances for pensioners with the lowest pensions in three anti-corona legislative packages, regular and extraordinary adjustment of pensions, increase of assessment … · Nova24TV · 4L

news objavi tvitaj

12 novic