Novice days run away

Guy Chadwick, The House of Love: Bili smo celo tako ošabni, da smo zavrnili Davida Bowieja

Guy Chadwick, The House of Love: Bili smo celo tako ošabni, da smo zavrnili Davida Bowieja

»So stvari, ki jih obžalujem, vendar ne bi ničesar spremenil,« pravi Guy Chadwick, ko se ozre na svojo dosedanjo glasbeno kariero. O njej spregovori brez dlake na jeziku, tudi o … · Dnevnik · 2L

    audience with the mind intervju kultura shine on guy chadwick live at the lexington days run away the house of love she paints the world in red a state of grace glasba objavi tvitaj

    Tako so podelili nagrade VMA (FOTO in VIDEO)

    Timeout / GlasbaTako so podelili nagrade VMA (FOTO in VIDEO)

    Lady Gaga je domov odnesla največ kipcev. Letošnja podelitev nagrad MTV VMA je zaradi razmer, v katerih se je po koronavirusu znašel svet, potekala drugače, kot smo vajeni. Glasbeniki, ki … · Slovenske novice · 4L

    podelitev nagrad mtv video awards objavi tvitaj

    10 novic

    Ariana Grande in Lady Gaga kraljujeta med nominiranci nagrad VMA

    Timeout / GlasbaAriana Grande in Lady Gaga kraljujeta med nominiranci nagrad VMA

    Popzvezdnici Ariana Grande in Lady Gaga sta vodilni nominiranki MTV-jevih nagrad VMA (Video Music Awards), vsaka je prejela po devet nominacij. Sledita Billie Eilish in The Weeknd s šestimi nominacijami. … · RTV Slovenija · 4L

    nominacije vma mtv objavi tvitaj

    2 novici

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Are the culture workers really worse off than they were under the previous governments, or is it just blackmail? (Photo: STA) On Tuesday at 3 p.m., near the Ministry of … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    22 novic

    In a letter to the Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Slovene intellectuals revealed the truth about the Slovene opposition

    In a letter to the Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Slovene intellectuals revealed the truth about the Slovene opposition

    Slovenian intellectuals, with Dimitrij Rupel, Ph.D., who is the first signatory, have sent a letter to Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Peter Limburg, in which they highlighted the events from the … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    27 novic

    Mr. Janez Janša: “This is a deep state. This is not a political formation. This is the mafia!”

    Mr. Janez Janša: “This is a deep state. This is not a political formation. This is the mafia!”

    “The empire uses once left paradigm, once liberal, once right, once capitalist and once socialist. All it takes is just to be. Once through the chamber, once through the party, … · Nova24TV · 4L

    resignation news marjan šarec objavi tvitaj

    2 novici