Novice corona: fear is a virus

Kulturno ustvarjanje v izrednih razmerah: Po času korone še čas koronafilmov

Kulturno ustvarjanje v izrednih razmerah: Po času korone še čas koronafilmov

Konec letošnjega maja, ko smo bili že vsi na smrt utrujeni od pandemije, so se vse naše frustracije utelesile v Netflixovem filmu , stand up nastopu, dokumentarcu in glasbeni komediji, … · Dnevnik · 3L

    film host calls do what you can epidemija kultura all u need is love level of concern bo burnham 7 days american head songbird inside locked down safer at home eazy sleazy korona corona: fear is a virus together objavi tvitaj

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Are the culture workers really worse off than they were under the previous governments, or is it just blackmail? (Photo: STA) On Tuesday at 3 p.m., near the Ministry of … · Nova24TV · 4L

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    22 novic