Novice close enemies

Tom Hamilton napovedal prvi koncert z novo skupino Close Enemies

Timeout / GlasbaTom Hamilton napovedal prvi koncert z novo skupino Close Enemies

Nekdanji basist skupine Aerosmith Tom Hamilton je napovedal svoj prvi nastop in izid skladbe z novo skupino Close Enemies. Zasedba, ki je polna med glasbeniki spoštovanih imen, bo koncertni led … · RTV Slovenija · 1M

    upokojitev close enemies hamilton nashville koncert objavi tvitaj

    This is the trio close to LMŠ, which is pressuring the National Bureau of Investigation: their methods are becoming more and more brutal!

    This is the trio close to LMŠ, which is pressuring the National Bureau of Investigation: their methods are becoming more and more brutal!

    According to criminal investigators who wish to remain anonymous, Rok Cvetko, Gregor Novak, and Mitja Gregorc are acting according to their political interests, in the police. (Photo: STA) An anonymous … · Nova24TV · 4L

    news objavi tvitaj

    6 novic

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Culture workers lie down – to blackmail the country

    Are the culture workers really worse off than they were under the previous governments, or is it just blackmail? (Photo: STA) On Tuesday at 3 p.m., near the Ministry of … · Nova24TV · 4L

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    22 novic

    In a letter to the Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Slovene intellectuals revealed the truth about the Slovene opposition

    In a letter to the Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Slovene intellectuals revealed the truth about the Slovene opposition

    Slovenian intellectuals, with Dimitrij Rupel, Ph.D., who is the first signatory, have sent a letter to Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Peter Limburg, in which they highlighted the events from the … · Nova24TV · 4L

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    27 novic