Novice The Land of Sometimes

Pri 98 letih bo posodil glas v animiranem filmu

Timeout / Film in TVPri 98 letih bo posodil glas v animiranem filmu

Ameriški igralec in komik Mel Brooks, ki mu je Ameriška filmska akademija lani podelila častnega oskarja za življenjsko delo, se bo pri 98 letih pridružil igralcem, ki bodo posodili glasove … · · 3M

the land of sometimes film mel brooks glas objavi tvitaj

2 novici

Mr. Janez Janša: FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS, PART 4: We have gained our independence, but not yet our freedom

Mr. Janez Janša: FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS, PART 4: We have gained our independence, but not yet our freedom

Premier Janez Janša (foto: Demokracija) Morally degenerate conduct is possible only in a public space which is tightly controlled and where the difference between right and wrong falls under random … · Nova24TV · 4L

news janez janša first-class citizens objavi tvitaj

13 novic