Janez Janša’s government could be sworn in as early as Friday night or Saturday morning, due to the severity of the current situation

Janez Janša. (Foto: Arhiv Nova24tv) »I suggested to the Council of the President of the National Assembly that the session of the National Assembly at which we will get the …

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newsslovenian government

[Video] Janez Janša on Nova24TV: Citizens themselves can do the most to help limit the spread of the new coronavirus!

Janez Janša (Foto: Nova24TV) According to official data, by Tuesday evening, 34 people in Slovenia had been infected with the new coronavirus, and after some restrictions have been put in …

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newsjanez janša

[Exclusive] Ridiculous: Tone Krkovič received a mere 25 thousand euros of compensation for his 294 days in jail!

Tone Krkovič. (Foto: STA) The Republic of Slovenia will have to pay 25,335.78 euros to Brigadier Anton Krkovič for his wrongful criminal conviction and imprisonment in the Patria court case. …

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tone krkovičnews

From a member of the Stanford hospital board: How to react when in doubt if one has a simple cold or is infected with the novel coronavirus

Foto: epa From a member of the Stanford hospital board came important feedback on the novel Coronavirus. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have …

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Slovenia faces a serious test of its security: Turkey will not stop exporting illegal migrants

Foto: epa »The worst is yet to come,« threatened the Turkish Minister of the Interior, Sulejman Sojlu, adding that only today, 143 thousand immigrants have gone on towards Greece. By …

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newsmiha pogačnikmigrationgreecejanez janša

The outgoing and the incoming government join forces: Janša says no opportunity to fight coronavirus will be missed!

»At this point, I would like to thank all the doctors, nurses, medical staff working at the emergency departments, in the laboratories, to all those who are fighting this danger …

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When Vika Potočnik comes on national TV as a political commentator, Žiga Turk’s job is easy

Foto: Printscreen On Sunday, anchor of Politično on RTV Slovenia Tanja Gobec hosted a show about what the 14th Slovenian government, the third one under the leadership of Janez Janša, …

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newsvika potočnik

[Exclusive] Minister Šabeder went crazy and forbade UKC Maribor to communicate with the public! The press conference convened for 2 PM canceled!

Minister Aleš Šabeder (Foto: STA) We have learned from reliable sources that the Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder forbade the UKC Maribor management from having a press conference that was …

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newsaleš šabeder

Igor Zorčič appointed Speaker of the National Assembly

Igor Zorčič (Foto: STA) Igor Zorčič, the 42-year-old lawyer, has taken over leading the 90-member National Assembly in the middle of the term. The MP, who has been the leader …

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newsigro zorčič

Once the number of migrants at the Greek-Turkish border exceeds critical mass, it will be almost impossible to stop them!

Foto: epa According to the Greek media, about 12.500 people are waiting on the Turkish side of the land border with Greece to enter Greece and, thus, the European Union. …

Nova24TV · 4L


Janez Janša on the coronavirus in Slovenia: the government must immediately secure and limit movement in health care institutions

Janez Janša (Foto: STA) The fewer people you test, the smaller your chances are of finding the infection. This »predicts more serious consequences than in the case of greater promptness, …

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koronavirusnewsjanez janša

Will Dušan Mes make a deal with the Klarič family, which earned millions during the time of Šarec’s government, and is also the silent partner of the new media project of the left?

Darko Klarič in Dušan Mes. (Foto: Twitter/STA) Darko Martin Klarič is the owner and president of the management board of Adventura Holding, which is one of the largest Slovenian business …

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dušan mesnewsdarko klarič

Janez Janša will restore Slovenia’s international recognition with his vast experience

Foto: STA “Janša is a man with international credit, whom I do not expect to be lost wandering the corridors of Brussels like Marjan Šarec, but who will expertly enforce …

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Janša receiving congratulations from abroad: among the first to congratulate him was his friend Orban, and the EPP leader in the European Parliament, Weber

Foto: Twitter Congratulations are comping in from all over Europe, on the election of SDS champion Janez Janša to the post of Prime Minister of Slovenia. Among the first to …

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newsviktor orbanmanfred weberjanez janša

Defeat of the tough, ideological part of the deep state with the election of Janša as Prime Minister!

Foto: Demokracija We have asked several political commentators to comment on the election of SDS president Janez Janša for Prime Minister. They all agree that this is a positive shift …

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newsdeep state